Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Love YOURSELF. Find the love that lives inside you ~ Simple 7 Step Meditation.

We all lead full busy lives. We all want more peace, love, & joy in our lives. So, how do we achieve this? It's really not that complicated - its really rather simple.  You can start by making a few simple commitments, everyday, and by choosing to live fully each moment.

Believe You are a Beautiful Spirit~
Love ALL that you do ~
Love ALL Beings~

Take the time to sit and meditate. You are worth it. It will bring you what you're looking for in life. Find a quiet space, site crossed legged in a meditative posture; see "How to Meditate", and follow the following meditation for bringing more love into your life and finding forgiveness.

How to Meditate on the Heart

Follow these 7 simple steps & connect to the beautiful energy that lives in your Heart!

  1. Begin by sitting in a comfortable position and close your eyes.
  2. For just this moment, let go of your thoughts and the outside world.
  3. Bring your attention to your heart center, which rests in the center of your chest. Be aware of your heart as a space. The heart center is a point where feelings enter. In its essence, the heart is pure LOVE, pervaded by peace and light. This light may appear as white, gold, pale pink, or blue. But don’t strain to find a light of any kind. All you need to do is feel whatever is there.
  4. Resting your attention easily on your heart center, breathe in gently and sense your breath entering your heart. You may want to visualize a sense of love & peace pervading the chest.
  5. Follow your breath as it goes in and out. Listen to what your heart has to say, allow your heart to express itself.
  6. For the next 5 or 10 minutes, sit and listen. Your heart may begin to release emotions, memories, wishes, fears, and dreams long stored inside. As it does, pay attention.
  7. You may have a flash of strong emotion—positive or negative—or a forgotten memory. Your breathing may change. You may gasp, sigh, or feel tears come into your eyes. Let the experience be what it is - NO JUDGING. If you daydream or drift off into sleep, don’t worry. Just bring your attention back to your heart center and your breath.
End this meditation by bringing palms together to heart center. Bow slightly forward honoring the beautiful light that lives in us all ~ Namaste!

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